
Shalom! Welcome to High Praise Assembly.
A Church after God's Heart, anchored on 7 vital biblical principles: Christ-Centered; Holy Spirit-Led; Word-Based; Prayer-Oriented; People-Related; Purpose-Driven;and Supernatural & Dynamic.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Pastor's March 2010 Message

Dear beloved,

Maturity is a mark of perfection according to the Scripture. (Mat 5:48 Therefore be perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect). Rev. John Ng remarked that only the matured ones have certain qualities during his last visit to HPA.

While Jesus Christ was on earth, He grew into a perfect (matured) man. Even when He was judged by Pilate, Pilate could not find any fault in Him but presented Him before the crowd saying “Behold, the Man!” (John 19:5)

Maturing into perfection is not automatic. There must be conformities like setting priority. Note what Dr. Luke, the apostle, talked about Our Lord Jesus in Luke 2:40 and 52 “And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom. And the grace of God was on Him”… “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men”.

The scripture records that Jesus grew physically, spiritually, mentally and socially. What attributed towards His maturity and perfection? We were told by Luke that the “grace of God and the favour of God and men” were upon Him. Why? I believe when Jesus set the Father’s business as His top priority, choosing to linger on in Jerusalem so that He could sit with the teachers listening and asking them questions and was not rebellious but subjected to His earthly parents even when they could not understand Him, all these attributed towards His development.

Beloved, if we find that the grace of God and the favour of God and men are lacking in our lives, let us seriously realign and set our priorities right. Let our top priority be in the business of our Heavenly Father. Has He not promised us in Mat 6:33 "But be seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these [things] will be added to you?’’

Let’s pray,

Dear Heavenly Father, grant us your grace and favour so that we too can grow into the likeness of thy Son Jesus. Amen.

Pastor Ling Bek Sing

成熟就是完美的标志。[马太福音5:48] 所以你们要完全,像你们的天父完全一样。黄约翰牧师最后一次来高赞教会时提及到唯有成熟的人才有确实定的品质。

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